Strapping Clamps

Category Staples Tags Roll, Staples, Strap

Polypropylene and polyester strapping staples in Alajuela, Costa Rica.


At Tecnometales Onis CNC, we proudly offer the highest quality polypropylene and polyester strapping staples. Our staples are designed to provide exceptional performance in fastening and securing loads in various industrial applications. This article will explore what these staples are, their key features and how they can benefit your company.


Description of Polypropylene and Polyester Strapping Clamps:

Our polypropylene and polyester strapping staples are essential components in the strapping process. They are designed to securely bind polypropylene and polyester strapping around loads, boxes and packages, providing a reliable hold during transportation and storage.

Features of Polypropylene and Polyester Strapping Clamps:

Excellent strength: Our staples are manufactured from galvanized steel and high-quality metal, giving them exceptional resistance to tensile and compressive forces.

Specialized design: These staples have been designed for polypropylene and polyester strapping, ensuring a perfect fit and a secure hold.

Diversity of gauges: At Tecnometales Onis CNC, we understand that different applications require different strength levels. That’s why we offer staples in various gauges, allowing you to select the correct clamping force for your needs.

Available in a variety of presentations:

We have a large stock of polypropylene and polyester strapping staples with different presentations to suit your requirements. These presentations include different gauges to choose the strength that best fits your fastening needs.

Why choose Tecnometales Onis CNC Polypropylene and Polyester Strapping Clamps?

At Tecnometales Onis CNC, we have over 45 years of experience in the industry. Our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction has made us leaders in manufacturing industrial supplies in Alajuela, Costa Rica. Our strapping staples are known for their reliability and outstanding performance.

If you want to secure your cargo and packages safely and efficiently, our polypropylene and polyester strapping clamps are ideal. We don’t compromise on quality and are committed to providing the best products for your strapping applications.

Contact us today for more information on how our staples can improve your operations in Alajuela, Costa Rica!

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